Volume 4 - Quality Assurance in the Process Landscape. Bundle of Sections 1-4: General, Risikoanalysen, Methoden und Vorgehensmodelle. 3rd, fully revised and expanded edition, March 2021
Volume 4 - Quality Assurance in the Process Landscape. Section 1: General, Methods Overview, Elementary Aids, Development Processes. 3rd, fully revised and expanded edition, March 2021
Volume 4 - Quality Assurance in the Process Landscape. Section 3: Methods. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA), Digital Mock-Up (DMU), Design of Experiments (DoE) - Trial Methodology, Manufacturing Feasibility Analysis, POKA YOKE, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), TRIZ, Economical Process Design and Process Control, 8D Method, 5 Why Method, Selection of Preventive Quality Management Methods. 3rd, fully revised and expanded edition, March 2021