960/24-02  Global MMOG/LE

  • VDA QMC, 10117, Berlin
    1275.00 EUR (excl. tax)
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  • Details

    ID 960 · Global MMOG/LE


    The Global Materials Management Operations Guideline / Logistics Evaluation (Global MMOG/LE) is an established industry standard that provides a unified assessment procedure for evaluating automotive logistics suppliers. The tool enables OEMs and suppliers to assess the logistical performance capabilities of the (sub)suppliers and the internal processes. It focuses on the following aspects:

    • Unified evaluation of supply chain management, for both internal and external use

    • Definition of supply chain management components in order to support continual improvement and enhance supplier performance

    • Basis for benchmarking and identifying best-practice criteria

    This training provides an overview of GMMOG/LE including its objectives and benefits; it explains how to prepare for a supplier evaluation, plan the evaluation, analyze the results and draw up an action plan.


    • You understand the structure of Global MMOG/LE.

    • You know the Global MMOG/LE criteria for assessing suppliers.

    • You are able to apply the tool and know what features should be included in a supplier evaluation process.

    • You can analyze results from the Global MMOG/LE, draw up effective action plans and know how to apply the Global MMOG/LE tool correctly.

    Concept and Methods

    Alternating lectures and interactive individual and group exercises, plus a series of case studies, each building on the one before, help participants transfer the lessons learned to their own professional practice. Special attention is paid to options for sharing experiences.

    Target Audience

    The training is aimed at:

    • Logisticians

    • Purchasers

    • Managers, employees in supplier management / supplier integration

    Prerequisites for Attendance

    There are no special requirements for attending this training.

    Certificate of Qualification

    After passing the knowledge test (Multiple-Choice-Test), you will receive a certificate of qualification.

  • Alternative Dates
    • Fully Booked and/or Registration has closed
    • Last few places available and/or Registration will be closing soon
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