VDA 235-206 (04/2024)

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VDA 235-206 Hochfeste und ultrahochfeste Verbindungselemente mit martensitischer Wärmebehandlung für die Automobilindustrie - Festigkeitsklassen 12.9S, 14.9S und 15.9S / High strength and ultra-high strength fasteners with martensitic heat treatment for the automotive industry - property classes 12.9S, 14.9S and 15.9S (04/2024) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2 - Language of the document German and English

In addition to fasteners of property classes 8.8 to 12.9 in accordance with DIN EN ISO 898-1 and recommendation VDA 235-204, this recommendation specifies requirements for highstrength and ultra-high-strength fasteners with martensitic microstructure of property classes 12.9S, 14.9S and 15.9S.

The development of such fasteners is intended to take into account the increased requirements for the weight reduction of parts and components in the vehicle and thus the reduction of the overall vehicle weight and, in particular, the increase in the efficiency of engines with comparable or improved functional properties compared to high-strength fasteners in accordance to DIN EN ISO 898-1.