VDA 380 (07/2018)

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VDA 380: Empfehlungen für Prüfeinrichtungen zur Prüfung der optischen Verzerrung
in Reflexion an der Oberfläche von Fahrzeugverglasungen / Recommendations to test facilities for inspection of the optical reflective distortion at the surface of vehicle glazings (Version 07/2018) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2

Optical reflection is currently evaluated visually using qualitative, subjective methods (e.g., using grids.)

This document defines universally applicable recommendations for measurement and evaluation methods to assess surface reflections on vehicle glazing. This includes all front, side, rear and roof glazing applications. The objective is to contribute to an aesthetically consistent impression of glass and adjacent surfaces. Thecurrently used qualitative visual methods do not become obsolete.