VDA Analysis Tools 2.0_Ausgabe 2023

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Benutzerlizenz für VDA 6.3 (Ausgabe 2023) Berichte
User license for VDA 6.3 (Edition 2023) Reports

The VDA Analysis Tools 2.0 is the updated documentation tool for the VDA Volume 6 Part 3, 4th revised edition 2023. In addition to the previous range of functions from Analysis Tools version 1.8, action plans can now also be managed and edited in the tool. 

You have the chance to test our product. You can request a test license here https://test.vda-qmc-tools.de

Functionality of the tool

  • Offline capability (Progressive Web App)
  • Browserdatabase containing all previous reports
  • Automatic updates
  • Report design with individual company logo
  • Saving and Loading of all reports of the tool for exchange and versioning
  • Mobile support
  • Supported Languages: Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.

 VDA 6.3 Audit Standard

  • Additional languages Korean, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Turkish, Czech, Polish
  • Evaluation and documentation of process audits for product design and development/serial production
  • Evaluation of process steps and product groups
  • Potential analysis evaluation and documentation

VDA 6.7 Audit Standard

  • Evaluation of single product audit
  • Potential analysis evaluation and documentation

Field Failure Reports

  • Evaluation and documentation of Field Failure reports

Own report type

  • Creation of own report type by extending all provided report types with own questions, downgradings or requirements
  • Evaluation and documentation of these reports
  • Language support for all 13 available languages

For all report types

  • Workflow-driven recording of findings and subsequent assignment to questions
  • Extending findings with internal comments and images
  • Pdf audit report including the action plan and images
  • Printing selected question blocks, optionally as input form
  • Export of the action plan as an excel file
  • Free of charge use action plan app for the management of action plans

The software is started directly in the browser via the web address as Software as a Service (SaaS). Data entered remains in the user's browser and is not sent to a server. Once the software has been started, it can also be used completely offline, as the app is stored in the browser. The product runs exclusively on your device and only communicates with the server to validate the license and check for updates.

Technical information
It is a browser-based software that can be used as a progressive web app online and offline in the browser. All data is stored locally in the browser and can be saved and reloaded individually as files.
Only a current browser such as Chrome or Edge etc. is required for use. No installation is required.

The licence is bound to the user (named user licence) and can be used on several devices of the user.

Unite price for  up to 30 licenses € 119.00 each

 Price per license
from 31 licenses  € 109,00
from 101 licenses  € 99,00
from 201 licenses  € 89,00

*Resellers are excluded from the offer.

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