VDA 900-200 (09/2024)

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VDA 900-200 - VDA-Emissionsfaktoren / VDA-Emission factors (09/2024) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2 - Language of the document English

The Emission factors for electricity, district heating and fuels – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document was published in December 2022 and updated in September 2024 to accompany the Emission factor report. It serves to answer frequently asked questions (FAQ) that may arise when reading the report. The changes made as part of the September 2024 update are described in question 36. The emission factor report presents country-specific emission factors of energy production related to fuel input and final energy produced (electricity and district heating, respectively) as well as country-specific electricity mixes by energy source.


This zip file contains three documents.


  1. Emission factor report “Emission factors for electricity, district heating, and fuels”
  2. The document “Emission factors for electricity, district heating and fuels – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)”
  3. Excel-File


Only the Excel spreadsheet is chargeable. The two PDF files can be found free of charge on the VDA page under Publications.