In many areas of the economy these days, a "comprehensive" quality management system is an integral part of the company strategy and creates the organisational conditions required in order to meet high quality demands on products and processes. System audits are carried out at planned intervals, to check the effectiveness of the quality management systems.
Ever shorter time spans, from the initial concept to the new product or service, ready for the market, constantly demand greater parallel execution of work sequences and operations in a wide range of areas of the company. This means that greater demands are placed on the processes.
Checks by the operators themselves and reductions in the amount of inspection, while still meeting increasing quality requirements, can be achieved only by the use of capable and controlled processes.
Of course, this applies to the product creation process & production / the service creation process & provision of the service.
Company processes must be monitored constantly in order to ensure their reliability and to introduce prompt control mechanisms and corrective action if non-conformances are detected.
In section 7 "Evaluation" the classifications and rules covering downgrading have been harmonized with VDA Band 6.3 "Process audit“ and forms 1 and 2 in section 13 have been adapted accordingly.
References to standards and addresses have been up-dated.